“Behind the Scenes with Gal Gadot: The Intense Training Regimen of Wonder Woman”

Gal Gadot và hành trình tập luyện bền bỉ của Wonder Woman

How did Gal Gadot transform from a model to a warrior on the big screen? Let’s discover the secrets behind her superhero physique with LEEP.APP!
With the excitement of women everywhere, Wonder Woman Part 1 (and soon to be Part 2, set to release at the end of 2020) took the box office by storm worldwide and delivered empowering messages to audiences. A huge part of that success was Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, and her heroic figure.
Getting in shape for this breakthrough role was no easy feat for Gadot, as she had to train like an athlete. Let’s explore the secrets behind her superhero physique!
Six months of preparation for the role.

Gal Gadot là diễn viên xuất thân từ người mẫu

Achieving a body like that doesn’t happen overnight. In preparation for the movie, Gadot embarked on a rigorous 6-month training and health program. Prior to her warrior physique, Gal Gadot had the slender figure of a typical model. Despite the help of top Hollywood trainers and nutrition experts, the actress still had to spend half a year preparing diligently.

Gal Gadot trên tạp chí Vogue

Gal Gadot featured in Vogue magazine
6 hours a day for training
Gadot dedicated 6 hours every day for six months to her training regimen. The actress worked out for 2 hours, practiced fight scenes for 2 hours, and horseback riding for 2 hours. “I used to think that horseback riding wasn’t really a sport because you’re just sitting on the saddle. But since I started training, I realized how amazing this discipline is and how much it demands physically,” shared Gadot.

Gal Gadot tập luyện 6 giờ mỗi ngày cho vai diễn

Gal Gadot’s exercise routine focuses on both cardio and weight training. In addition to exercises like running and cycling, her trainers also incorporate rowing into her cardio routine as it is less risky. Since Gadot cannot afford any injuries while filming, rowing is her top choice. She does high-intensity interval training, which means she works out as fast as possible for two minutes, then slows down for two minutes and repeats. It’s worth noting that Gadot has served in the military and performs her own stunts in movies.
To achieve Wonder Woman’s toned physique, Gadot does weight training exercises such as full-body strength training with deadlifts, back exercises with bent-over rows, forearm exercises with reverse curls, shoulder exercises with push presses, and squats.

Gal Gadot tập luyện

Gal Gadot incorporates quick exercises that she can do anywhere into her routine. Even if she’s “stuck” in a hotel room, she still finds time to work out with exercises like squats and push-ups. However, plank is Gadot’s core exercise that she never skips. Planking engages multiple muscles and can be varied to avoid boredom.

“If I’m in a cold country or there’s no gym, I will still work out in my hotel room. If I’m near the beach, I will go swimming or paddle-boarding because it helps me maintain my figure and has a meditative aspect,” she said.

Gal Gadot also pays attention to her diet and eats healthy foods to fuel her active lifestyle.

Gal Gadot hóa thân thành Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot maintains a normal diet to transform into a goddess in her movies. Her diet focuses on consuming green vegetables and lean protein, with balance, hydration, and moderation being the keys. Gadot admits that she is a foodie and believes that food should be considered fuel for the body. She chooses food that supports her physique but also indulges in “unhealthy” foods like hamburgers, chocolates, and ice creams. For preparing for her role in Wonder Woman, Gadot balanced every meal with half green vegetables and half protein, emphasizing whole foods over complex diets. According to Bradley, Gadot’s trainer, every 24 hours are crucial for the body, not just workout times. Poor nutrition and sleep can reduce the effectiveness of exercise by 20-30%. Therefore, he advises balancing each meal with equal amounts of protein and greens while being cautious about seemingly healthy choices like green fruit juices, which may contain hidden calories due to naturally occurring sugars in some fruits and vegetables.

Chế độ ăn của Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot’s typical breakfast consists of eggs, fruit, and coffee. She also often makes herself a green smoothie, which allows her to ensure she is getting the necessary nutrients. These smoothies also help keep her body slim, fresh, and reduce bloating.

Green smoothies have become a popular Hollywood diet as a way for actresses to consume vegetables without adding sugar. A healthy meal should have plenty of green vegetables such as spinach or kale. These greens can easily be added without altering the taste of the drink.

One of Wonder Woman’s secrets is drinking water. She consumes approximately 3.7 liters of water daily, with the most critical time being when she wakes up. “Drinking water not only makes me feel fuller, eat less but also improves my physical endurance,” Gadot shared.

Gadot adds a piece of advice: “I don’t limit myself too much, I can eat anything. It’s all about portion control. Enjoy your food and don’t drive or use your phone while eating. Respect your food because it deserves your full attention.”

A positive mindset towards the body.

Gal Gadot có tư duy tích cực về cơ thể

Gal Gadot shared that she has equipped herself with a positive mindset towards her body. She stated that we are living in a world where women are judged to be perfect in everything. As a mother of two daughters, Gal Gadot admitted that achieving a great physique after pregnancy was a big struggle. She emphasized that societal pressure from the outside world does not help women’s body image mindset. Gal Gadot mentioned that although women are expected to excel in everything, from raising children to taking care of their bodies and succeeding in their careers, nowadays women have more inspiration than ever before in terms of equality. She shared that she is happy that her two daughters are growing up in this era: “We are stronger, smarter, and can achieve what we want. That’s what I want to teach my daughters.”

Gal Gadot tập luyện

Gal Gadot’s success in her career and advocacy for women’s rights has been a source of inspiration for people worldwide, not just her two daughters. She has also inspired us to take care of our bodies and build endurance, because every woman is truly a Wonder Woman! You can learn more about Gal Gadot’s workout routine and diet from sources such as Elle and Self.

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