Scarlett Johansson Graces the Pages of ‘Interview’ Magazine.

The latest issue of Interview magazine, hitting newsstands on October 8, showcases the talented actress Scarlett Johansson on its cover. In the issue, the 28-year-old star of “Don Jon” shares her thoughts and insights with the publication.

When talking about her low and husky voice, she mentioned how it was a hindrance when it came to doing commercials. She joked that at just 9 years old, she sounded like someone who drank whiskey and smoked a lot. With that kind of voice, selling Jell-O was definitely out of the question.

When I took the SATs, I remember the scoring system being out of 1,600. So, scoring a 1,240 would label you as quite the brainiac. Unfortunately, I landed in the lower range with a 1,080. I have to admit, I may have contributed to that score by leaving half of the math questions unanswered.

When I was a young aspiring actor, I was once rejected by a kids’ agent after being inspired by someone in my older brother’s class. I was heartbroken and thought it was the end of my dreams. However, it was during this time that I discovered the power of tears in getting what I wanted.

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